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Tutorials: Call for Submissions

III Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft 2012)

Suported by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)
Natal - RN, Brazil
September 23-28, 2012


III Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice, an event suported by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) will be held in Natal, between 23 and 28 September. The CBSoft 2012 aims to aggregate in one place and date various events in traditional software development community. Confirmed for this year:

  • XXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES)
  • XVI Brazilian Symposium on Programming Language (SBLP)
  • XV Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF)
  • VI Brazilian Symposium on Components, Architectures and Reuse Software (SBCARS)

This call requests the submission of proposals for tutorials for CBSoft 2012. The proposal can be written in Portuguese or English. Each tutorial will be presented at a session of three hours. A abstract of each tutorial, one to two pages will be published in the annals of Congress. Access to slides and other ancillary materials will be available to participants of the tutorials.

The goal of the tutorials is to introduce participants to important concepts in new areas in software development and/or expanding areas in the academic and on the market. The theme of the tutorial should be directly associated with at least one of the major events of CBSoft, ie SBES, SBLP, and SBMF SBCARS. Applicants must have extensive knowledge and experience in the tutorial. In particular, are welcome introductory and advanced tutorials on topics relevant to the theory and practice of software development. The introductory tutorials should provide an opportunity for knowledge recycling. They are directed primarily to advanced undergraduate students, graduate or professional market. The advanced tutorials should encourage the development of advanced research and is intended for researchers and specialists.

CBSoft The program includes, in addition to tutorials, technical sessions and invited lectures associated with the events mentioned, panels, tools sessions, industry meeting, and various other events satellites. It is estimated that the Congress is expected to attract about 700 participants, including students, academics and professionals from the business sector.

Submission Instructions:

All proposals for tutorials should include the following:

  • tutorial title, name, affiliation, e-mail and URL of all authors. Indicate which authors plan to act as instructors during the tutorial.
  • type (introductory or advanced), language (English or Portuguese) and a short abstract (maximum 200 words) describing the main objective of the tutorial.
  • Hearing that will be addressed at the tutorial and justification of the relevance of the proposal for one or more of the major events of CBSoft: SBES, SBLP, and SBMF SBCARS. (One page)
  • audio-visual support needed (projectors, multimedia systems etc.).
  • Structure of the tutorial, including section headings and a brief description of no more than two paragraphs for each section.
  • References. (One page)
  • If so, mention conferences or seminars in which the proposed tutorial has been or will be presented.
  • A summary of the curriculum of each author (one paragraph per author), and URLs of the curricula (Lattes platform for those who have) of each author.

  • Do not add any other information not described above.

    Proposals for tutorials should be submitted electronically in PDF format, through a system of JEMS.

    Other Information

    The tutorials will be evaluated and selected by a program committee, composed of researchers from the communities SBES, SBLP, and SBMF SBCARS. Factors to consider include: relevance to at least one of the main events CBSoft; appropriateness of workload, ability to attract audience; methodology proposed presentation, and experience and qualifications of the authors and instructors. The tutorials committee reserves the right to refuse the proposals submitted so as to include invited tutorials. The authors of the tutorial presenters must register CBSoft in 2012 for his presentation to be confirmed. The number of accepted tutorials on availability of rooms at the event. The distribution of the tutorials within the week the event will be the organization of CBSoft.

    The CBSoft does not guarantee, in principle, any form of funding for submitting tutorials. Nevertheless, the event has traditionally been able to fund transportation (within Brazil), and hosting one of the authors. This funding is conditional on the support received from funding agencies.

    For more information, please contact the coordinator of the Tutorial Session:
    Eduardo Almeida - Universidade Federal da Bahia and RiSE (esa "at" dcc.ufba.br).

    Program Committee

    • Adenilso Simão, ICMC-USP
    • Alessandro Garcia, PUC-Rio
    • Ana C. V. de Melo, USP
    • Antonio Francisco Prado, UFSCar
    • Cecilia Rubira, UNICAMP
    • Christiano Braga, UFF
    • Dalton Serey, UFCG
    • Leila Ribeiro, UFRGS
    • Leonardo Murta , UFF
    • Marco Tulio Valente, UFMG
    • Noemi Rodriguez, PUC-Rio
    • Paulo Pires, UFRJ
    • Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS
    • Rohit Gheyi, UFCG
    • Uirá Kulesza, UFRN

    Important Dates

    Submission of proposals
    April 23, 2012

    Notification to authors
    May 14, 2012

    Summary for the annals
    June 11, 2012

    Material for submission
    August 6, 2012

    Coordination Tutorials

      Eduardo Almeida - Universidade Federal da Bahia and RiSE

    Coordination CBSoft

      Nélio Cacho, UFRN (General Coordinator)