I worked on hardware development for 2 years after graduating in Electronics Engineering at PUC-Rio. I then obtained a Masters degree from the Departamento de Informatica at PUC-Rio. My PhD was obtained in France (IMAG-INPG). There, I got interested in Formal Specifications and their applications. My PhD thesis concerned the use of formal (algebraic) specifications for Software Reuse. I then spent 18 months in Pittsburgh (USA) where I worked at the Language Technologies Institute (LTI-CMU) as a Visiting Researcher in the CATLYST project for machine Translation. My role on the project was the coordination of the Portuguese Team (responsible for the generation of Portuguese translations). Since 1997 I am a teacher and researcher at the Computer Science Department (Departamento de Informática e Matemática Aplicada - DIMAp) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), where my activities have been teaching, university administration, scientific research and student supervision. In the period of 2002-2003, I spent a year doing research in LORIA (Nancy, France), and since then, an on-going UFRN-LORIA cooperation in the areas of formal specification and verification has been stablished. My current research interests are centered on the B formal development method. Since March 2008 I am also International Affairs Officer for UFRN.


  • E-mail: anamaria 'at' dimap 'ponto' ufrn 'ponto' br
  • Phone: (55)(84)32 15 38 14 ramal 213
  • Room: DIMAp, room 3
International Relations Contacts
  • E-mail: assint 'at' reitoria 'ponto' ufrn 'ponto' br
  • Phone: (55)(84)32 15 31 14