[This page is no longer being updated.]
I have worked at the Department of Informatics and Applied
Mathematics (DIMAp
/ UFRN) from
2006 to 2023.
Ideas do not have to be correct in
order to be good; it's only necessary that, if they do fail, they do
so in an interesting way.
(Robert Rosen, 1934-1988)
Be sure to check my MAIN RESEARCH PAGE.
A reasonably updated compilation may also be found in my Lattes CV.
Master is not he who always
teaches, but he who all of a sudden learns.
(says Riobaldo
Tatarana, in João Guimarães Rosa's "The Devil to Pay in the
Backlands", 1956)
Courses at UFRN are supposed to be accessed through SIGAA.
Once you're here, you might also be after the material of one of the following courses:
Lógica Computacional: demonstração assistida e semi-automática de teoremas.
The XVI EBL tutorial on Foundations of Computerized Theorem Proving (slides available upon request).
The 3rd UniLog tutorial on Truth-Functionality (slides available upon request).