LuaSpace | ![]() |
LuaSpace is an environment for configuring and reconfiguring component-based applications. The environment is based on Lua - an interpreted and procedural language developed at PUC-Rio and it is composed of a set of tools that offer support for dynamic reconfiguration. These tools are: LuaOrb, Generic Connector, Meta-interface and ALua.
One of these tools is a binding between Lua and CORBA, called LuaOrb , based on CORBA's Dynamic Invocation Interface. This binding offers a way to access CORBA objects available at remote servers exactly like any other Lua object. This is done transparently and at runtime. Moreover, it uses CORBA Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI) to permit dynamic installation of new objects in a running server.
Another tool is the generic connector, a mechanism that dynamically selects components for executing services required by an application. Exploring this approach, an application can be configured using a set of services without being aware of the specific componentes that offer these services. The components will be selected on-the-fly by the generic connector. With the use of the generic connector, it becomes imposible to distinguish the tasks of configuration and of reconfiguration in the configuration program
The meta-interface mechanism is mainly used to dynamically introduce Lua objects and services without modifying the CORBA interface's repository. The meta-interface is an IDL interface that defines a generic server ("server of servers") that implements an arbitrary number of objects. Access to objects in servers is done by meta-interface through a set of operations to call functions, to write and to read attributes.
ALua (Agent Lua) is a library associated to Lua that offers a mechanism to process communication through an event-driven model. Through this mechanism, a piece of code can be sent to a remote process. By default, the received message is executed by the interpreted of the agent which receives them.
LOrbEvent: Uma biblioteca para viabilizar o uso do serviço de Eventos de CORBA
Thaís Batista, Nélio Cacho and Gabriel Galvão
In 16o. Simpósio Brasileiro em Engenharia de Software (SBES'2002), SBC, Gramado, RS, Outubro 2002.Using a Scripting Language to Dynamically Interconnect Component-Based Applications
Thaís Batista and Noemi Rodriguez
Anais do VI Simpósio Brasileiro em Linguagens de Programação (SBLP'2002), SBC, pag. 180-194, ISBN 85-88442-20-5, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Junho 2002.Seleção Dinâmica de Objetos Distribuídos no Ambiente LuaSpace
Thaís Batista, José Neilton Morais, Milano Carvalho and Wander Teixeira.
Anais do 20o. Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (SBRC'2002), SBC, Volume II, pag. 703-718, ISBN 85-88442-21-3, Búzios, RJ, Maio 2002.Component-Based Applications: A Dynamic Reconfiguration Approach with Fault Tolerance Support .
Thaís Batista and Milano Gadelha Carvalho
Software Composition Workshop(SC) - affiliated to European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS), Grenoble - FR, April 2002.
Published in Electronic Notes in Theorical Computer Science, Vol. 65, Number 4, 2002. an ADL to a Component-based Application Development Environment .
Virgínia Carneiro de Paula and Thaís Batista
Fundamentals Approach to Software Engeneering Conference (FASE) - European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS), Grenoble - FR, April 2002
Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2306, ISBN 3-540-43353-8, pp. 128 - 142.
Volume Editors: Ralf-Detlef Kutsche and Herbert Weber .LuaSpace: Um Ambiente para Reconfiguração Dinâmica de Aplicações Baseadas em Componentes .
Thais Batista and Noemi Rodriguez
In Workshop de Teses e Dissertações no Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação (CTD - SBC2001) , pp 1-8, Fortaleza, CE, Agosto 2001.Dynamic Reconfiguration of Component-based Applications
Thaís Batista and Noemi Rodriguez.
In 5th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems (PDSE'2000), IEEE, Limerick, Ireland, June 2000.Dynamic Reconfiguration through a Generic Connector
Thaís Batista, Christina von Flach Chavez and Noemi Rodriguez.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2000), CSREA Press, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 2000.Configuração de Aplicações Distribuídas no LuaSpace
Thaís Batista and Noemi Rodriguez.
In Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (SBRC'2000), SBC, Belo Horizonte, MG, Maio 2000.Conector Genérico: Um Mecanismo para Reconfiguração de Aplicações Baseadas em Componentes
Thaís Batista; Christina von Flach Chavez and Noemi Rodriguez.
In Terceira Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia de Requisitos e Ambientes de Software (IDEAS'2000), Cancun, México, April 2000.
LuaSpace Distribution Package (with interactive console) including LuaOrb
I wish to thank Renato Cerqueira, Christina Von Flach Chavez, Marco Catunda and Cristina Ururahy who developed the tools that compose LuaSpace. I wish also to thank Gabriel Galvão, Milano Carvalho e Nélio Cacho - graduate students that work in this project nowadays.