Eventos - Computec

WCAMA - III Workshop de Computação Aplicada à Gestão do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais

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Global Forest Information Systems: Challenges in Data, Ontology, and Information Technology

Prof. Fred Fonseca (Penn State, EUA)
Bio: Prof. Fred Fonseca received his Ph.D. in Spatial Information Science and Engineering from the University of Maine in 2001. He has joined Penn State in 2001 where he is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies of the College of Information Sciences and Technology. His work on three areas of research, Geographic Information Science, Information Science, and Information Systems, led to 18 journal papers, research grants from NSF and other agencies, and successful Master's and Ph.D. students. He received the 2006 Researcher Award from the University Consortium of Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) for his foundational work on ontologies in GIS. In his sabbatical leave (2008-2009) from Penn State he developed the project Global Forest Information Systems with Gilberto Camara at INPE and Clodoveu Davis at UFMG (Brazil). The project deals with the challenges in creating a global system to share data, technology, policies, and views on rain forest deforestation and monitoring.
Abstract: The preservation of the world's rain forests is one of the major environmental challenges of our generation. Rain forests are home to a large portion of the world's biodiversity, and play a major role in climate regulation and in the hydrological cycle. Despite their richness and their ecological services, large areas of the world's rain forests are under increasing pressure of deforestation caused by human action. This presentation aims at discussing the challenges for the creation of a Global Forest Information System, a system based on the Web and using a cooperative approach to make a significant contribution to the preservation of the world's rain forests. The concept for a Global Forest Information System goes along the lines of an enhanced "Digital Earth" concept. The Digital Earth metaphor can become much more than what today's virtual globes provide, and work as a large-scale repository of data, services, and models that can be discovered and used by the multiple actors involved in rainforest monitoring. We envision a Web application that can augment the capacity of rainforest nations to estimate and monitor deforestation and monitor by making essential data and models easily available. The key objective is to enable cooperation and participation from the various actors involved, notably scientists, policy makers, and common citizens. Content as distinct as satellite images, spatial data infrastructures, geobrowsers, research data, laws and policies, and citizen-provided information can be indexed, searched, discovered and used by all interested parties.


Sessão Técnica I – Recursos Hídricos
Local: Pavilhão Morton Mariz de Faria - Setor M3
22/07/2011 – Sexta-feira
Horário: 11:00 às 13:00

Modelagem Chuva-vazão utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais e Algoritmos Genéticos
Felippe Scheidt (UEL), Maria Angelica de Camargo Brunetto (UEL)
Processamento e Visualização de Dados para a Descoberta de Conhecimento em Sistemas de Monitoramento de Qualidade de Água
Aysy Anne Andrade Duarte (UNICAMP), Leonardo Bertholdo (FT-UNICAMP), Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro (UNICAMP), Luiz Camolesi Jr. (UNICAMP), Celmar Silva (UNICAMP)
ISFS_Sist: Um software para Diagnosticar a Gravidade do Fenômeno da Seca no Semiárido Nordestino
Josemir Neves (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Norte), Silvio de B Melo (UFPE), Everardo V. S. B. Sampaio (UFPE)
SIG como apoio ao Processo de Estudos Hidrológicos para determinar pontos de vazão para outorga
Clóvis Tavares (UFES), Taciana Dias (UFES), Daniel Rigo (UFES), Maria Helena Alves (CESAN), Karina Luna (CESAN)

Sessão Técnica II – Monitoramento e Impactos Ambientais
Local: Pavilhão Morton Mariz de Faria - Setor M3
22/07/2011 – Sexta-feira
Horário: 17:00 às 19:00

Uso de uma rede neural artificial para previsão do volume de lodo gerado em estações de efluente têxtil: Um estudo de caso
Paulo Bousfield (Univille), Jéssica Silva (Univille), Lorival Chapuis (SOCIESC)
Um sistema para previsão de impactos gerados pela instalação de indústrias e sua influência sobre ecossistemas costeiros no extremo sul do Brasil
Camila Thomasi (FURG), Gerson Nunes (FURG), Rodrigo Toledo (FURG), Priscila Teixeira (FURG), Marcio Jugueiro (FURG), Diana Adamatti (FURG), Carlos R. A. Tagliani (FURG)
A GA for Solving a Type of Sustainable Supply Chain Design Problem
Ernesto Del R. Santibanez-Gonzalez (UFOP), Geraldo Robson Mateus (UFMG), Henrique Luna (UFAL)
Análise e mineração de dados de sensores orbitais para acompanhamento de safras de cana-de-açúcar
Bruno Amaral (ICMC-USP), Daniel Chino (ICMC-USP), Luciana Romani (Embrapa), Renata Gonçalves (UNICAMP), Elaine Sousa (ICMC-USP), Agma Traina (ICMC-USP)

XXXI Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
Plácido A S Neto (IFRN) e Marcel Oliveira (UFRN)
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