

Program (technical and social) is available.

Preliminary program

Detailed Schedule

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Overall Schedule

ICGT/SBMF Sunday 17/09 Monday 18/09 Tuesday 19/09 Wednesday 20/09 Thursday 21/09 Friday 22/09
ROOMS A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3
10:30 - 11:00 LSFA MC1 GCM MC2 TS1 TS3 TS4 MC1 MC2 TS7 SeTra GraBaTs PNGT
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 14:00

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00 - 14:30 LSFA IT1 GCM IT1 TS4
SeTra GraBaTs PNGT
14:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30 GRA
15:30 - 16:00 TS1 TS2 TS5 MC3 B B
16:00 - 16:30 B CB SeTra GraBaTs
16:30 - 17:00 IT2 GraBaTs PNGT
17:00 - 17:30 CB CB PS
17:30 - 18:00 LSFA GRA
18:00 - 18:30 TS2 TS3 P TS6 MC3 SeTra GraBaTs
18:30 - 19:00
19:00 - 19:30
19:30 - 20:00
TS: Technical Session
IT: Invited talk
MC: Mini-course
PS: Poster Session
P: Panel
B: Break
CB: Coffee break
CEMF: SBC meeting
satellite workshop

Invited talks

We are pleased to announce the following invited speakers:

Rafael Dueire Lins ( Departamento de Eletrônica e Sistemas, CTG, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil
FME talk.
New Algorithms and Applications of Cyclic Reference Counting.
Reference counting is a simple and efficient way of performing graph transformation and management in which each graph node stores the number of pointers to it. Graph operations are performed in such a way to keep this property invariant. The major drawback of standard reference counting is its inability to work with cyclic structures, which appear ever so often in real applications. The author of this talk developed a series of cyclic reference counting algorithms whose applicability goes far beyond the implementation of garbage collectors in programming languages. This paper presents the milestones in the history of cyclic reference counting followed by two new applications: the consistent management of Web pages in the Internet and the correctly handling of processes in clusters and grids.
Arend Rensink, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Nested Quantification in Graph Transformation Rules
Daniel Jackson, joint speaker with SBMF2006 (MIT, USA)
Idioms of Logical Modelling (Invited talk 3)
Most modeling languages embody a particular idiom: the state / invariant / operations idiom for VDM and Z; the variable-update/temporal-logic idiom for SMV and Murphi; the imperative-programming idiom for Promela and Zing; and so on. Fixing an idiom makes tools easier to build, and helps novice modellers. But it also makes the language less flexible.
Alloy is a modelling language that was designed, in contrast, to support multiple idioms. Its core is a simple but expressive relational logic, whose semantics consists of a set of bindings of relations to global variables. In other words, an Alloy model is a constraint, and its meaning is a set of graphs with labelled edges of varying arity. The Alloy Analyzer is a constraint solver that can find a graph satisfying a given constraint.
A variety of idioms can be readily expressed in Alloy, and analyzed using the Alloy Analyzer. You can structure the state as a global state variable with multiple components, or follow an object-oriented style, where the state is collection of objects, each with components whose values vary of time. You can express and analyze individual operation executions, using the inductive approach of languages like Z, or introduce traces and check them against linear temporal logic properties. Frame conditions can be written as conventional equalities in each operation, or in the style invented by Reiter.
In my talk, I'll explain the basics of Alloy, show how to express a variety of idioms, and describe some case studies using these idioms, including most recently an analysis by Tahina Ramanandro of the Mondex electronic purse (developed by NatWest Bank, and originally modelled in Z by Susan Stepney, David Cooper and Jim Woodcock).

Selected papers

The following papers have been accepted for presentation and publication in the conference proceedings:

  1. Temporal Graph Queries to Support Software Evolution. Tobias Rötschke (Darmstadt University of Technology), Andy Schürr (TU Darmstadt)
  2. Categorical Foundations of Distributed Graph Transformation. Hartmut Ehrig (Technical University of Berlin), Fernando Orejas (UPC Barcelona), Ulrike Prange (Technical University Berlin)
  3. Molecular Analysis of Metabolic Pathway with Graph Transformation. Karsten Ehrig (University of Leicester), Reiko Heckel (University of Leicester), Georgios Lajios (University of Leicester)
  4. Dynamic Graph Transformation Systems. Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa), Hernan Melgratti (IMT Lucca)
  5. On the Use of Alloy to Analyze Graph Transformation Systems. Luciano Baresi (Politecnico di Milano), Paola Spoletini (DEI - Politecnico di Milano)
  6. Quasitoposes, quasiadhesive categories and Artin glueing. Stephen Lack (University of Western Sydney), Pawel Sobocinski (University of Cambridge)
  7. String Generating Hypergraph Grammars with Word Order Restrictions. Martin Riedl (University of Erlangen), Sebastian Seifert (University of Erlangen), Ingrid Fischer (University of Erlangen)
  8. Model View Management with Triple Graph Grammars. Esther Guerra (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Juan de Lara (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  9. Matrix Approach To Graph Transformation: Matching and Sequences. Pedro Pablo Perez Velasco (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Juan de Lara (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  10. Conflict Detection for Graph Transformation with Negative Application Conditions. Leen Lambers (Technische Universitaet Berlin), Hartmut Ehrig (Technical University of Berlin), Fernando Orejas (UPC Barcelona)
  11. Process Bisimulation via a Graphical Encoding. Filippo Bonchi (University of Pisa), Fabio Gadducci (University of Pisa), Barbara Koenig (University of Stuttgart)
  12. Autonomous Units and Their Semantics --- the Sequential Case. Karsten Hölscher (University of Bremen), Hans-Joerg Kreowski (University), Sabine Kuske (University of Bremen)
  13. View Creation with Triple Graph Grammars for Domain-specific Model Integration. Johannes Jakob (Darmstadt University of Technology), Alexander Königs (Darmstadt University of Technology), Andy Schürr (TU Darmstadt)
  14. Narrowing Data-Structures with Pointers. Rachid Echahed (CNRS, Leibniz-IMAG), Nicolas Peltier (CNRS LEIBNIZ-IMAG)
  15. Heuristic Search for the Analysis of Graph Transition Systems. Stefan Edelkamp (University of Dortmund), Shahid Jabbar (University of Dortmund), Alberto Lluch Lafuente (Empoli)
  16. GrGen: A fast SPO-based graph rewriting tool. Rubino Geiss (Universitaet Karlsruhe), Gernot Veit Batz (Universitaet Karlsruhe), Daniel Grund (Universitaet Karlsruhe), Sebastian Hack (Universitaet Karlsruhe), Adam Szalkowski (Universitaet Karlsruhe)
  17. Model-Driven Monitoring: An Application of Graph Transformation for Design by Contract. Marc Lohmann (University of Paderborn), Gregor Engels (University), Reiko Heckel (University of Leicester), Stefan Sauer (Software Quality Lab, University of Paderborn)
  18. Automata on Directed Graphs: Edge versus Vertex Labelling. Dietmar Berwanger (LaBRI, Universite de Bordeaux I), David Janin (LaBRI, Universite de Bordeaux I)
  19. Weakest Preconditions for High-Level Programs. Annegret Habel (University of Oldenburg), Karl-Heinz Pennemann (University of Oldenburg), Arend Rensink (University of Twente)
  20. Satisfiability of High-Level Conditions. Annegret Habel (University of Oldenburg), Karl-Heinz Pennemann (University of Oldenburg)
  21. Adaptive Star Grammars. Drewes Frank (University of Umea), Berthold Hoffmann (University of Bremen), Dirk Janssens (University of Antwerp), Mark Minas (Universität der Bundeswehr München), Niels Van Eetvelde (University of Antwerp)
  22. Sesqui-pushout rewriting. Andrea Corradini (University of Pisa), Tobias Heindel (University of Pisa), Frank Hermann (Technical University of Berlin), Barbara Koenig (University of Stuttgart)
  23. Graph Transactions as Processes. Baldan Paolo (University Ca' Foscari of Venice), Andrea Corradini (University of Pisa), Luciana Foss (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), Fabio Gadducci (University of Pisa)
  24. Composition and Decomposition of DPO Transformations with Borrowed Context. Baldan Paolo (University Ca' Foscari of Venice), Hartmut Ehrig (Technical University of Berlin), Barbara Koenig (University of Stuttgart)
  25. Realizing Graph Transformations by Pre- and Postconditions and Command Sequences. Fabian Buettner (University of Bremen), Martin Gogolla (University of Bremen)
  26. Termination Analysis of Model Transformations by Petri Nets. Daniel Varro (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Szilvia Varro-Gyapay (Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Hartmut Ehrig (Technical University of Berlin), Ulrike Prange (Technical University Berlin), Gabi Taentzer (Technical University of Berlin)
  27. Non-functional Analysis of Distributed Systems in Unreliable Environments using Stochastic Object Based Graph Grammars. Odorico Mendizabal (Faculdade de Lisboa), Fernando Dotti (PUCRS)
  28. Graph Transformation in Constant Time. Michael Dodds (University of York), Detlef Plump (University of York)